SAFE has been hard at work for years processing information and working on solutions that will help you be ready to meet industry and consumer needs. SAFE already has a Foundation in place to provide a Patient Assistance Program for licensed companies. The Foundation will supply an efficient, fair and legally protected way to administer your program to help those who need financial help with prescription costs.
The SAFE Foundation already has in place a 501c3 and a 501c4. The 501c3 has the goal of providing financial assistance to those who need help. Through the SAFE Foundation, we will be able to set up and run your companies Patient Assistance Program which will be required of all companies who obtain a license. The 501c3 also allows donors to receive a tax dedication, provide grant funding eligibility and will also increase credibility within the community.

The 501c4 arm of our SAFE Foundation is set up to promote the common good and social welfare of our communities. SAFE will lead the charge to protect the cannabis oil industry while defending our state laws. To help Georgia licenses become smarter and stronger by working together to achieve a unified, coordinated effort to insure a responsible safe industry for our companies and the patients we serve. With our 5014c we believe this allows us to have strong representation while lobbying for issues that affect us all. SAFE will help unify our voice to educate the general public, as well as physicians and our legislative body’s to have one clear and effective proactive voice, by providing evidence driven information to help cut through some of the false social stigma surrounding the industry.

Both the 501c3 and the 501c4 process can be extremely complex in the cannabis industry. Because of federal laws on cannabis, it can take months or even years to try to obtain these classifications. Thankfully, SAFE has already put in the hard work and currently has both the 501c3 and 501c4 classifications in place.


SAFE Access plans to have in place a 24/7 Call Center with a staff that will be both medically and cannabis trained. By utilizing one common Call Center we can provide various advantages.  The Call Center is important, it can be your first and potentially only contact with your customers.

Our Call Center will provide effective and convenient ways to help empower patients to feel safe about doses and the process.  Callers or online visitors will be able to reach out by email, webchat or texting so your customers don’t have to wait in a que or online to be answered.  The SAFE Call Center will be more than sharing information, it will play a vital role by delivering personalized quality care with amazing customer service.

By utilizing one centralized Call Center each company will be able to save money.  We also feel that with one shared Call Center we can offer the most effective way to provide an industry wide standard of safety and reliability for your customers. The SAFE Call Center provides a best practice in quality care.


SAFE has plans to offer your company a Captive Insurance Plan. In the Cannabis business, it is hard to find a traditional insurance company to fit or protect the needs of the industry. Too many regulations will simply make it too costly for most commercial companies to participate.  So to avoid excessive pricing we will offer a Captive Insurance Plan.  This plan will give Cannabis licensed companies the advantages like broader coverage, stability in pricing, improved cash flow, while successfully providing coverage for risks tailored to our specific needs.

We envision being able to offer Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Workers Comp and possibly Property and Casualty policies. With the Captive Insurance Plan we can simplify the process and offer the most cost efficient solution.




For inquiries and additional information please contact:

Michele Dunn
Executive Director- SAFE Access For Everyone (S.A.F.E)


3660 Chattahoochee Summit Drive. SE
Atlanta, GA 30339


Mon: 8:30am-6pm
Tue: 8:30am-6pm
Wed: 8:30am-6pm
Thur: 8:30am-6pm
Fri: 8:30am-6pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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